A Day in The Life
The Village High School

This is my school

This is the school that I feel comfortable attending

What will the day look like?

each village high school student will have a personalized schedule and will meet with their mentor every week to review progress and areas to work on

From the moment you walk on the campus of The Village High School, you know you are in a safe environment, and that you are truly cared about as a student and a person. Students are encouraged and challenged to develop as a scholar, evolve as a thinker, and be confident and mentally healthy. You will be given a unique opportunity to earn college credits while finishing high school, and serve your community through volunteering and internship programs. Students learn from teachers through whole group instruction, small group sessions, and one-on-one time. With hands-on projects and group learning, teachers show students how to apply lifelong skills — such as collaborating with a team, interpreting data and presenting persuasive arguments. In addition to classroom instruction, teachers also mentor students during dedicated weekly one-on-one meetings. With their mentors, students set long- and short-term goals, and discuss both their academic and emotional experiences while working toward these goals. Mentoring sessions build strong relationships between students and their mentors. Together, they celebrate successes, discuss reasons for roadblocks, and talk about areas of learning opportunity.

example Village High school student day

It is 7:20am on a Tuesday and the first bell just rang. That means, morning huddle, I have 10 minutes to find my group from Math and decide on our SDL time (student directed learning). Today, we decided to go into Mrs. Smith’s classroom to get help with an English project that we were working on and a little confused on the directions. After that, I am going to stop into math and get some help on the last 2 homework problems. At 7:30am we head to our SDL time until 9:05.

It’s now 9:05am and the bell has rung for us to change into our elective course. All of the electives are centered around mental health, self-care, and life after high school. I get to really learn a lot about myself and plan for my future and set attainable and realistic goals for myself. I also have a mentor, Mr. Smith, he has been my mentor since my Freshman year, we meet once a week on wellness Wednesday and he is always there for me. He really knows me.

At 9:55am the bell rings again to signal switching to your next class. From 10-11:30am, I have my English block, where I get to work on my English project. I have to research a position and prepare a persuasive ad campaign to solicit the class to my side. It is super fun, we got to pick our topic and we also have flexible seating in class so I get to work in the comfort of a bean bag chair.


At 11:30, when the bell rings, that is the time that we get to have lunch. This is my favorite because my friends and I like to sit outside on the huge patio and people watch. Each day of the week, a different vendor brings our favorite foods, canes, panda express, pizza, subway, ect. If you don’t have money for that, TVHS always provides a lunch to all students. At 12:15pm the lunch bells rings to signal the end of lunch.

At 12:20pm, I have my Science block. Today we are doing a demonstration of the earth’s tectonic plate movement as it relates to earthquakes. We also have to develop a simulation to show the effects of the different plate movements and the earthquakes that result. Our Science lab is stocked with so many supplies to use, some of the simulations are off the charts.


After Science, the last block of the day is an elective. This elective is psychology, the inner workings of the mind, and learning how to be in control. This elective ends at 2:40pm and then I am homeward bound. I like this class because everyone is broken into groups of 3-5, the groups change quarterly, and we all get to sit at high top tables

Every student will have a customized schedule that best meets their personal educational needs and goals, this is a sample