The Village High School offers a more personal approach to education. Our schools provide and accepting and affirming school culture, and a safe space for students to grow and learn. TVHS will offer cutting edge academics including POD instruction, project based learning, financial literacy, life skills curriculum and job training opportunities.
TVHS will also offer after school clubs and intramurals, and provide opportunities to give back to the community. Our additional objectives will be real life skills and good decision making skills. We will have great electives for students to choose from including topics such as Cybersecurity, Drone Piloting, 3D Modeling Design and Printing, Virtual Reality. Students will experience highly qualified, empowering teachers, and meet with a mentor weekly.
TVHS when approved will be a state funded charter school. The enrollment will be limited to approximately 800 students with a student staffing ratio of 25 to 1. TVHS will be open to all student populations, including marginalized groups and LGBTQ students and their allies. Please join us in the Fall of 2022 by enrolling now to enter class as a freshman or sophomore.