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Stop bullying
When adults respond quickly and consistently to bullying behavior they send the message that it is not acceptable. Research shows this can stop bullying behavior over time.
Parents, school staff, and other adults in the community can help kids prevent bullying by talking about it, building a safe school environment, and creating a community-wide bullying prevention strategy.
Students can also be there own advocate, click the icon to find out more.
LGBTQ national talkline
Providing a safe space that is anonymous and confidential where young callers can speak on many different issues and concerns including, but limited to, coming out issues, gender and/or sexuality identities, relationship concerns, bullying, isolation, anxiety at school, family issues, HIV/AIDS concerns, safer sex information, suicide, and much more.
Sometimes you may need just to talk, or hear a kind voice. We’re here. You deserve to be heard. You deserve respect, support, affirmation and acceptance.
The LGBT National Youth Talkline is staffed by highly trained volunteers who identify somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum, from all ages, walks of life and from all over the United States.
Mental and Emotional services
The quest for a happy and healthy life is a life-long journey. Using the resources of an expert to help guide this journey is a very smart approach. Often times it requires the observations of another to help put things into perspective. This can be especially important in situations where mental health problems like addiction, depression or anxiety interfere with our ability to see our own situation clearly. Whether you are suffering the effects of a major life change such as grief and loss, PTSD, relationship issues, sexual abuse, or clinical medical issues like bipolar disorder, substance abuse, schizophrenia – good counseling can serve as a positive life force.
Staying Healthy
These are just a few of the many resources available to students and parents in the Las Vegas Area
Click the icon for more ideas on the topic
- Take Care of You
- Check in With others
- Engage and Connect Wisely
- Relax and Reduce Stress
- Practice relaxation techniques
- Exercise regularly
- Get plenty of rest and sleep
- Eat healthy regular meals
- Engage is fun and pleasurable activities
- Set and spend reasonable amounts of time using media
- Turn your media off during night-time
- Think before you post, comment, or like, the internet doesn’t forget, ever!
- Remember everything you read and see is not necessarily factual
- Change your passwords frequently and check your privacy settings for all apps
- Have fun